Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Adventures!

So today was another snow day... Which is great because that means I have 2 more days to work on my speech.. I woke up and Randi called me and asked if I wanted to go to Bell Park.. Of coarse I say "heck YES!!" We walk outside and my neighbor, his mother, and his friend all wanted to go to the park together. So we all hiked up there together.. Now this is like a half mile walk... anyway, so we go sledding and everything and it was SO much fun. Then I got home and decided that it would be fun to go see Kia.. Well going to kia's is a little over a half a mile to get there.. SO I walk down there and we go sledding somewhere farther down.. I hung out with her, then it was american idol time and I came back home.. In all.. it was about 3 miles that I have walked through the snow today :)....

My phone isn't working at the moment.. I can get texts but when I try to call people, they can't hear me and that is SO frustrating... I was trying to talk to Isaac to tell him that my cousin can get him an internship over in California for what he wants to be!.. He wants to be exactly what my cousins are. That is work for Pixar in an animation and drawing studio.. He says it's his dream and I am glad I could help!.. So things are looking bright for him :). So I am having a great time at college, but there's something missing.. but I can't put my finger right on it... Idk.. anyways I think I have typed enough.. Night everyone.. See ya!

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