Monday, February 14, 2011

Been a few..

So I am sorry for not writing on here for a while. I've been busy and I wanted to blog EVERY day but.. sadly I haven't been. Well let's start with I climbed a mountain.. 5 miles... and it took a long time to climb it, but of coarse we stayed at the top for a while to see the view.. Here is how many people went with me

After we went on that climb we all went to Subway.. Then I hurt myself... I was walking to my car and there was ice on the ground and I forgot all about it.. I slipped and usually I would catch myself buuuuuut my muscles were tired I guess from the hike and I twisted the entire bottom half of my leg.. my knee cap slid to the side of my leg, but I had to get home (3hour drive) so I popped it back into place and drove home.. When I got home it looked like...
 Now it looks
like -------->

Yeahh... I'm lame.. I have an MRI next tuesday... SO I'm stuck with this till then... I am so tired.. I have to sleep sitting up haha I'll be the grandmother that sleeps in the rocking chair cause of this hahahha... Buuut anyways I got my ears pierced 2 days ago.. I can't wait to get wooden piece sign ear rings, thats why I got them.. I'm going to go to school tomorrow and see how it goes.. I really don't want to see that certain guy when I look like this SO that is going to be bad.. I don't like it when people take pity in me.. Oh well.. Hopefully tomorrow goes good!


  1. ur leg looks sooooo much better today! just a lil bruised, thats all.

    that leg... was hhuuggee.
    im glad ur feelin better.
    dont overdo it chica!!

  2. Thankss.. I hope no surgery comes out of it! and I liked that comment on facebook about my leg..."EWW that is SO GROSS" hahahhaha
