Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Short day

So this will be a very short blog because I am tired and not much happened today..

I had to go to school with crutches and I hate crutches for SO many reasons but here's a few
1. I can't use them correctly
2. I am ALWAYS in everyone's way
3. People stare at you
4. I can't get anywhere as fast as I could walking
5. Crutches don't stay standing up... EVER.. either people run into them OR they just fall over out of no where

so those are a few reasons why. My leg didn't hurt me at ALL today, surprisingly, but I was really grumpy  because I haven't got much sleep in the last couple days because of my leg, but I think I made it up. I went to take like an hour nap at 5:00 p.m. and slept till 9:00 p.m. <----That is a pretty long nap... So now here I am.. Writing this blog.. Trying to stay awake long enough to finish it.. Anyway, I will let you guys go..Much love and bye the way.. when I say anything at the end of my blog's about either god or love.. I always think of Rev. Run off of Run's house and he sits in a bubble bath and at the end of ever blog or whatever, he says...God is love, Rev. Run..Hahaha anyway I better let you go,  See ya

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