Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I was crutch free once I got home.. I limped SO CRAZY, but none the less without a crutch! I get to drive to school tomorrow so that's good. I hate being on crutches at school SO bad.. I am a very independent person and I hate it when people try to help me.. Especially when more than half the people are like..." eww that girl needs help, but I don't want to help her... But if I don't then I will feel bad about it later so I will go ahead and help".. I mean they act all snobby when they help you and stuff.. I DON"T WANT HELP in the first place.. I hate it when people stare too.. like no one has seen anyone on crutches before.. its frustrating.. but this is life and I must get over it. I watched American Idol tonight with my mother.. I love that show.. there are so many amazing people on there, I just love to watch it. Anyway I am very tired and I must go to sleep.. night all! See ya!

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