Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hola :)

So today was kind of a bummer day I guess you could say. <---that rhymed?? wow.. Anyway, my leg is doing SO MUCH better but for some odd reason it kept going numb.. it's weird. I have a psych test tomorrow and I did the study guide on it so I hope I do ok but I'm not sure cause I just opened the book at like 6 in the afternoon and the test is tomorrow.. not good.. I came home and pretty much just went to studying. I played guitar for a bit though.. I love my guitar, I love anything about music. I haven't played in like a month and I just realized that today and that is why I took my guitar outside and just played music until the sun went down. It was so relaxing and fun. I love summer nights when I did that every night and have no care in the world about anything. I wish that would happen more often but lately I have been doing so much stuff that I can barely wrap my head around one thing. For the last 4 weekends I have had the weekend booked up to go somewhere and now this weekend I am going to Berryville. It's close to Eureka Springs, it's far away but I don't mind. I found out today that for spring break my friends and I are going to climb that mountain again and then go canoeing.. that will be so much fun! Today I was kinda down in the dumps and I don't really know why. I get that way sometimes, although, I never know why. I am so tired that I am rambling now. I try to write everyday but I know this weekend I can't because I will not have any Internet.. Anyway, night everyone and See ya!

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