Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just got Back

Hello to all,

I didn't blog this weekend because I didn't have any internet connection OR cell service.. I went to Eureka with friends and I drove the entire time.. I had fun.. went bowling... Friday was Abby's birthday which is one of my good friends that lives in Eureka and we surprised her and drove all the way up there. Then Saturday we went to mass.. Now my friend Miranda had no clue what to expect in a catholic mass, so she had no clue what was going on. It didn't help that the original father wasn't there and his replacement was an old japanese man that was like 85 years old and couldn't find the page and forgot what he was talking about half way through prayers. So the entire mass was pretty much him saying "umm" but it was cool.. I like going to mass.. My knee is good i guess, I forgot to take my medicine at the time I usually do tonight so its taking a bit to kick in. That is one of the main reasons I am still awake. I went a little party tonight (family party) with one of my friends and it was really fun. I met a lot of people.. I love meeting new people. Anyway I better let you go, See Ya!

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