Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Great DAY!

So today was a great day!... I got up, got ready for school, and went outside to start my car. My neighbor, Colby, asked if I could take him to school. Now he goes to the high school and his grandmother usually takes him, but her car wouldn't start. So I hurried up and got him to school at the last minute. Then I tried to help his grandmother by asking if she needed me to jump her car but we didn't have any jumper cables and she already called someone. So she was good.

Then I got to school and didn't have any classes. Just had to turn in a paper and go to an interview. The interview went great. I got all the information that I needed. Then I went to the hair shop with Evan to let her get her hair re-done, mall to eat, and then she shopped a bit. We both donated money to the Breast Cancer charity and got matching wristbands. Randi came a long too.

We went back to the school and thats where we saw Isaac. He wants to work for pixar and do animations and draw and everything and three of my cousins are in that industry.. they have done Back at the Barnyard, Jimmy Neutron, Over the Hedge, The curious case of Benjamin Button, Family guy, and much more... So I told him all about that and gave him their emails. Hopefully when he gets out of school he will have a good word in with my family. I just want to help him succeed, he is a great person. When I told him that their names are in the credits and everything of each movie and I'm sure they will help him out with getting into the business, he looked like he was about to cry. God works in mysterious ways..

Anyway, to what is going on now... I am now trying to finish my speech that I have to give tomorrow, which everyone says it will snow, but I'm not too sure about that. I am trying to stay awake long enough to type this blog. I am SO tired. I did go to sleep at like 7:30 last night..lol I was tired.. BUT Today has been a great day! So I will let you guys go, have a nice night.. or day.. depending on when you read this.. Goodnight all!

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