Monday, February 7, 2011


The title of this post is just a Alex Goot song. I love that song :).. Anyway, today I am very tired. That is why I am writing and 7:32 p.m. instead of real late.. I just can't stay awake much longer.. No sleep causes this.. Today I literally did pretty much nothing again. Went to my 3 classes and took a test. Not fun. But I did chill with my friends. Speaking of chilling with friends. My friend Jessica totally griped out these "Asian" kids cause all they do in the Study room is play video games and she wanted that room so she could study. So she pretty much kicked them out and sat down. This big lady comes in and starts yelling at her about how she is racist by calling them asians and all kinds of other stuff.. I just sat there, didn't think it was my place to step in. Which everyone pulls out the "race card" here. Anyway, I went and chilled with Kia again tonight and just left her house. I am so tired.. this blog has no purpose, just rambling. That's pretty much what all of them are. I have to put one up every day though. If I don't, my day isn't complete. Btw... I hate trying to get a guy.. it's a waste of time... and I won't EVER ask out a guy or anything... I am too old fashioned. Ehh... idc.. anyway, I will let you guys go, See ya!

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